Welcome to the Delta Virtual Airlines’ Aircraft Operating Manual (AOM) for the Boeing 747-400.
The AOM is based upon the DVA Fleet Installer. We are always seeking to improve the accuracy of the AOM.
Should you have questions about the specifics of this airplane or this manual, you should create a Help Desk issue at our website, www.deltava.org.
Should you have questions about aviation in general, creating a Help Desk issue is the best course of action to take. The training department and Flight Academy personnel will do their best to answer your questions.
If you are new to flying and would like to learn training that is modeled after real world training, you can sign up for flight instruction in the DVA Flight Academy.
Crédito: Delta Airlines
Um comentário:
Vim de muito longe, guiado pelas renas, passei frio, atravessei montes e vales, entrei no Satélite GOES-8 desci de forma violenta, fui lançado para dentro do cabo de fibra ótica, entrei no teu blog, tudo isto para desejar Feliz Natal...Vim, mais cedo pois tenho que chegar a todas as pessoas, e assim começo pelas mais especiais!! Desejo também uma grande entrada no ano que aí vem, que te traga o dobro das coisas boas que neste ano que está a terminar! FELIZ NATAL...
Paulo Olim
Asas Madeira
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